Understanding International Literacy Day 2024: Promoting Multilingual Education for Peace

Understanding International Literacy Day 2024: Promoting Multilingual Education for Peace

Understanding International Literacy Day 2024: Promoting Multilingual Education for Peace

Understanding International Literacy Day 2024: Promoting Multilingual Education for Peace



Backstory of International Literacy Day

Every year, on the 8th of September, people worldwide celebrate International Literacy Day (ILD). This day was established by UNESCO in 1966 to remind the international community about the importance of literacy for individuals, communities, and societies.

Over the years, there has been a global movement to promote literacy as a fundamental human right. Each year, the celebration focuses on a specific theme to address the challenges and opportunities in promoting literacy. 

What Is Literacy and Why Is It Important?

Literacy is more than simply being able to read and write. It includes the ability to understand, interpret, create, and communicate through various forms of language. Literacy enables people to make informed decisions, communicate with others, and fully participate in society. It’s important because it opens doors to education, employment, and active citizenship.

Students listening to their teacher.
Students listening to their teacher.

Literacy is the foundation of learning for students, helping them understand all subjects better. In a broader sense, literacy promotes personal growth, community development, and global peace.

International Literacy Day 2024 Theme: Promoting Multilingual Education

This year, International Literacy Day 2024 will be celebrated under the theme “Promoting Multilingual Education: Literacy for Mutual Understanding and Peace.” The theme highlights the importance of multilingual education in today’s diverse world.

Many people grow up speaking more than one language, and education in multiple languages can help them learn more effectively. Students who learn in their first language are more likely to understand concepts and form stronger connections to their cultural identity.

Multilingual education also promotes mutual understanding and respect among people from different backgrounds. Learning and appreciating each other’s languages makes it easier to communicate, share ideas, and work together peacefully. This approach is not only good for learning but also for building a more harmonious world.

Practical Ways to Implement the International Literacy Day 2024 Theme

Children of different cultures.
Children of different cultures.

For Learners

To celebrate International Literacy Day 2024, students can start by embracing their own languages while being open to learning new ones. You can participate in language exchange programmes, where you teach your language to a friend while learning theirs.

Another way is to read books or watch movies in different languages. Isn’t that impossible? You may ask. Well, not really. You can start by reading simple stories or watching movies that assist with subtitles. This helps you understand different cultures and perspectives, making you more open-minded and empathetic.

For Parents

Parents play a crucial role in promoting multilingual literacy at home. Encourage your children to read books, watch educational programmes, or even listen to music in multiple languages. If you speak more than one language at home, take time to teach your child the basics of each language. This will not only improve their cognitive abilities but also strengthen your family’s cultural roots.

For Schools

Schools can implement the theme by organising activities like cultural days/events or language learning clubs to make learning languages fun and engaging. Encourage students to share their languages and cultural stories with their classmates. This not only enriches the learning environment but also fosters mutual respect and understanding.

Students celebrating diverse cultures.
Students celebrating diverse cultures.

International Literacy Day 2024 is a reminder that literacy is not just about reading and writing—it’s about understanding, communicating, and living together in peace. By promoting multilingual education, we can create a more inclusive and peaceful world for everyone.

And seeing as it’s back-to-school season, don’t forget to equip yourself with the perfect tools that will help you in this new grade. Download and subscribe to the uLesson app to get started.

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