Effective Ways to Review and Retain What You Learn

Effective Ways to Review and Retain What You Learn



Do you feel like studying is such a big chore? How are you supposed to learn so many subjects and remember them well enough to ace your exams? Well, don’t worry! Let us look at some effective ways to review and retain what you have learned, transform your overall study sessions, and make learning easier.

Effective Ways to Review and Retain What You Learn


Try summarising what you’ve learned in your own words after studying a chapter or topic. You can write a few sentences or even just some keywords. Summarising helps you understand and remember the information better, beyond exams.

Visual Aids

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Use visual aids like diagrams, mind maps, and charts to organise complex topics so they’re easier to understand and remember.

Teach Someone Else

This is a fun one. Teach someone else what you’ve learned. It’s like being the expert on a topic, and it really helps you remember what you’ve studied. You can pretend you’re the teacher and explain it to a friend or family member.

Two students learning from a laptop
Photo by Roman Odinstov

Create a Story

Turn your study into a story. This makes it more interesting and helps your brain remember the details. For example, when you’re studying history, imagine it as an adventure. And when you’re doing math problems, think of them as puzzles waiting to be solved.

Regular Revision

Make sure to review your topics regularly instead of cramming everything in one night. Set aside short study sessions to go over what you’ve already learned. This helps reinforce your memory and keeps the information in your brain for a long time.

Stay Organised

Keeping your study materials organised—neat notebooks, labelled folders, and well-structured notes—saves you time and helps in smooth revision. A messy study space can make you feel confused and make it harder to remember things.

A young girl studying with a laptop
Photo by Diva Plavalaguna

Study in Bits

Break your studying into small chunks. This is a really efficient way to review and retain what you learn, no matter how advanced it is. Thousands of happy learners are using the uLesson app as their study buddy to understand complex subjects in small chunks.

Also, try internalising what you learn with Practice Tests and Multiplayer Quiz on the uLesson app. Download here or use the web version.

Learning is more about understanding than cramming. By integrating these methods into your study routine, you’ll find information sticking in your mind like never before. Find what works best for you, and love learning!


  1. Oluwadara Adetula
    Oluwadara Adetula

    Do you feel like studying is such a big chore? How are you supposed to learn so many subjects and remember them well enough to ace your exams? Well, don’t worry! Let us look at some effective ways to review and retain what you have learned, transform your overall study sessions, and make learning easier.

    Effective Ways to Review and Retain What You Learn
    Try summarising what you’ve learned in your own words after studying a chapter or topic. You can write a few sentences or even just some keywords. Summarising helps you understand and remember the information better, beyond exams.

    Visual Aids
    A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Use visual aids like diagrams, mind maps, and charts to organise complex topics so they’re easier to understand and remember.

    Teach Someone Else
    This is a fun one. Teach someone else what you’ve learned. It’s like being the expert on a topic, and it really helps you remember what you’ve studied. You can pretend you’re the teacher and explain it to a friend or family member.

    Two students learning from a laptop
    Photo by Roman Odinstov
    Create a Story
    Turn your study into a story. This makes it more interesting and helps your brain remember the details. For example, when you’re studying history, imagine it as an adventure. And when you’re doing math problems, think of them as puzzles waiting to be solved.

    Regular Revision
    Make sure to review your topics regularly instead of cramming everything in one night. Set aside short study sessions to go over what you’ve already learned. This helps reinforce your memory and keeps the information in your brain for a long time.

    Stay Organised
    Keeping your study materials organised—neat notebooks, labelled folders, and well-structured notes—saves you time and helps in smooth revision. A messy study space can make you feel confused and make it harder to remember things.

    A young girl studying with a laptop
    Photo by Diva Plavalaguna
    Study in Bits
    Break your studying into small chunks. This is a really efficient way to review and retain what you learn, no matter how advanced it is. Thousands of happy learners are using the uLesson app as their study buddy to understand complex subjects in small chunks.

    Also, try internalising what you learn with Practice Tests and Multiplayer Quiz on the uLesson app. Download here or use the web version.

    Learning is more about understanding than cramming. By integrating these methods into your study routine, you’ll find information sticking in your mind like never before. Find what works best for you, and love learning!

    study tips, uLesson App
    uLesson Launches Classboard Device for Schools!
    Oluwadara Adetula
    Nnoli Edwin Chibuchi
    March 7, 2024 / 8:27 pm
    Okay I’ll try it and see what happens miss Oluwadara

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