Many parents face challenges when they need to help their children with their regular school homework. These challenges get amplified when it comes to coding homework.
Why? This is so because coding is an acquired technical skill that oftentimes, parents understand nothing about.
So how do parents give their children the needed support to tackle their coding homework? Here are 5 ways to help your child with their coding homework. There might or might not be a bonus point at the end of this. Wondering what it is? Keep reading!
How to help your child with their coding homework
- Plan with your child
- Create a schedule
- Set up their coding homework space
- Sit with your child
- Get familiar
- Ask for help on the uLesson Platform
Plan with your child
Tasks become easier to tackle and complete when there’s a well-laid-out plan. By creating a daily coding routine for your child, you will help them develop habits and gain a sense of order and responsibility. But this should not be done outside of the child in question. Sit with your child, determine what your joint goals are to make this work, and set your plans in place. It is important this is done in agreement with your child because once they feel involved, it is easier for them to fall in line.
Create a schedule
No child is the same and this goes for scheduling as well. Some children find it easier to do their homework immediately after school, some even go as far as getting started while waiting to be picked up. Other children prefer to rest, watch their favourite show, eat, maybe sleep and then pick up their coding homework. Monitor your child’s behaviour and set up a schedule in line with this. Try not to go outside of those hours as a disrupted schedule can be very confusing and take time to adjust to.
Set up their coding homework space

Coding homework isn’t like the regular homework where children can get done on the move or in the TV area. There’s a required level of concentration needed to execute coding homework especially as they progress through the course levels.
Discuss all available options with your child and choose the one your child likes best and that you believe could produce the best result. Feel free to experiment with different areas and pull the plug on that which isn’t working. . It could be a dining room table, a couch in the living room, your study, their room, or even a table in the kitchen. Do well to remove distracting elements from the chosen study area. If your child insists on something, don’t be rigid, try it out and show them the results so when you take it away, they are not surprised or throw tantrums.
Sit with your child

Yes, parents have a lot on their plate, and sitting with their children during homework time may get demanding. The hack to this is the frequency. You don’t have to sit with them all the time, but make time to get involved in the actual process. Some children may be more comfortable learning with you so they can ask some questions or ask for help if a problem arises.
Get familiar
As earlier stated, coding is an acquired technical skill and most parents find themselves at a loss of what to do in terms of helping their children out. So what do you do? Leave them to it? Hope they can figure it out? Leave it to tutors? There’s a place for tutoring and there’s a place for a caregiver’s involvement.
So how do you help them if you know nothing about coding? It’s simple, refer to point 4 which is to sit with them. When you do so, you pick up the lingua and coding terms and some technicalities begin to stand out. You can also read online articles on the basics of coding. Skimming and scanning could very well come in handy as you don’t necessarily need an in-depth understanding. Speak to their tutors. This keeps you in the know of expectations and makes it easier to navigate the world of coding with your child.
Ask for help on the uLesson Platform
Truth is, you can’t know it all, your busy schedule can get in the way despite your best intentions so why not ask the experts for help whilst still being actively involved? The uLesson app provides an around-the-clock homework help solution. Your child can ask all the questions they need to and get answers in less than 5 seconds. To access this, sign-up your child with the uLesson coding school. This gives them access to the uLesson platform. Don’t wing it, ask the experts for help.
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