How to Get Started on uLesson Coding School

How to Get Started on uLesson Coding School



How to Get Started on uLesson Coding School 

Do you wish you could equip your kids with relevant coding skills to prepare them for the future?

Are you secretly tired of receiving plain old crayon-on-cardboard cards from your kids during celebrations and wish to receive fun and creative animations and web pages instead?

Well, now you can with uLesson Coding School!

uLesson Coding School is a live tutoring service which offers one-on-one coding lessons to kids aged 4-18 years.

Why uLesson Coding School?

Programming has become a critical career skill and a way to guarantee high future earning potential. 

uLesson Coding School, through the use of one-on-one tutoring style and language streamlined for kids, teaches kids skills like Scratch, Javascript, HTML & CSS and Python, laying the foundation for a successful future while also equipping them with critical thinking skills. 

The uLesson Coding School learning environment and experience is tailored to fit the learning needs and styles of individual kids. 

What Will Your Kid Be Able to Achieve at the End of the Program?

At the end of the program, kids will be able to:

  • Create their own interactive games, stories, graphics and animations
  • Create functional and visually appealing web pages
  • Program dynamic and interactive web pages
  • Think critically and creatively
  • Set their imagination free
  • Create those animated videos that you want so much for your birthday and other notable events

Learning Aids

Learners will need a computer/tablet and an internet connection.

Ready to Sign Up?

To get started on uLesson Coding School, sign up your kids at and book a free session or purchase a course.

Courses available are:

  • One-month coding course
  • Three-month coding course
  • Twelve-month coding course

Students attend sessions twice a week for the duration of the course.

Curriculum Overview

S/N Course Name Age Group Curriculum Overview
1 Explorers 4-7 Years Blockly Scratch
2 Builders 8-10 Years Blockly Scratch HTML & CSS
3 Innovators 11-18 Years HTML & CSSJavascript Python

Course Prices 

S/N Course Duration No of Sessions Cost in NGN Cost in USD
1 1 Month 8 N45,000 $150
2 3 Months 24 N120,000 $380
3 12 Months  96 N450,000 $1,400

Still have some questions on how to get started on uLesson Coding School? Visit our FAQs page to know more.


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