Necessary Holiday Activities Teachers Should Engage In

Necessary Holiday Activities Teachers Should Engage In



Congratulations, teachers! 🎉 You finally have another unique opportunity to step away from the classroom and embrace a season of rejuvenation and growth. The summer holiday is not just a break from the routine but a time to unwind, explore new interests, and prepare for the next academic chapter—necessary holiday activities teachers should engage in.

Here’s a guide to help you make the most of your holiday as a teacher.

Necessary Holiday Activities Teachers Should Engage In

Unwind and Rest

Imagine waking up without the buzz of an alarm, knowing the day or most of it is entirely yours. The summer holiday offers a rare chance to rest and recharge.

A teacher relaxing at home during the holiday
A teacher relaxing at home during the holiday
  • Travel or Staycation

Whether it’s travelling for a few days or enjoying the serenity of a staycation, this time is perfect for exploring new places or simply relaxing at home. 

  • Engage in Hobbies

Perhaps you have a hobby that’s been sidelined during the busy school year. Now’s the time to dive back into painting, gardening, reading, or cooking. These activities not only bring joy but also provide a much-needed mental break.

  • Wellness and Fitness

Physical activity also plays a crucial role in unwinding. Consider joining a fitness class virtually or physically, or taking leisurely walks. These activities help maintain your physical health and provide a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

  • Digital Detox

Don’t forget the value of a digital detox. Stepping away from screens allows you to reconnect with yourself, people, and the world around you, fostering a deeper sense of calm and clarity.

Upskill as an Educator

Summer is also an ideal time to enhance your teaching skills.

A cross-section of teachers at a workshop
A cross-section of teachers at a workshop
  • Attend Webinars and Workshops

With the advent of technology, many educational organisations offer free online webinars and workshops. These sessions can introduce you to innovative teaching strategies and new perspectives in education.

uLesson Education will be hosting a workshop in Abuja with a live-streaming option available to those who can not attend physically. Details are on the flyer below. To attend, kindly RSVP here.

Driving School Success with Technology During the Summer Holiday
Driving School Success with Technology During the Summer Holiday
  • Read Educational Books

Reading is another excellent way to upskill. Consider diving into books on pedagogy, classroom management, or child psychology. These resources can provide valuable insights and fresh ideas to bring into your classroom. 

  • Collaborate with Peers

Additionally, connecting with other educators through study groups can be incredibly enriching. Sharing experiences and resources with peers not only broadens your knowledge but also fosters a sense of community and support.

If you’d like to join a supportive community of teachers and educators who are also uLesson brand ambassadors, register here

  • Reflect on Past Teaching Practices

Reflecting on your past teaching practices is another crucial step. Take a moment to consider what worked well and what could be improved.

This reflection will be instrumental in planning for the future and ensuring a more effective teaching approach.

Learn Digital Skills

In today’s digital age, acquiring new digital skills is more important than ever. The summer holiday provides an excellent opportunity to delve into online courses.

A teacher taking an online course on her laptop
A teacher taking an online course on her laptop
  • Take Online Courses

Platforms like Coursera, edX, Udemy, FutureLearn, Khan Academy, and Alison offer free and paid courses on a wide range of topics, from technology to digital literacy.

  • YouTube Tutorials

You can also simply search YouTube to watch free tutorials on coding, writing, designing or other technical skills you’re interested in.

  • Blogs and Articles

Additionally, following educational blogs and tech news sites can help you stay updated on the latest tools and trends, ensuring that you’re always ahead of the curve.

Prepare for the Next Academic Session

As the summer break progresses, thoughts naturally turn towards the upcoming academic year. This is the perfect time to plan your classes and develop lesson plans.

Consider integrating new teaching methods or refreshing your materials to keep things exciting for both you and your students.

  • Organise Classroom and Materials

Organising your classroom, whether physical or virtual, is another important task. A well-organised space can make a significant difference in creating a welcoming and efficient learning environment.

  • Set Personal Goals

Setting personal and professional goals is also key. Identifying areas for growth and setting achievable targets can provide a clear direction for the new year.

  • Explore New Educational Tools

Finally, take the time to explore new educational tools. Whether it’s new software and/or hardware like uLesson Classboard, or teaching strategy, staying informed about the latest innovations can help you enhance your teaching and engage your students more effectively.

Discover the features of uLesson Classboard hardware and software

This summer break, embark on a journey that combines rest, learning, and preparation. By embracing these necessary holiday activities teachers should engage in during the summer, you’ll return to the classroom refreshed, inspired, and ready to make a difference!

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