Coding: A K–12 Learner’s Guide

A laptop with programming language on a desk

Coding: A K–12 Learner’s Guide

A laptop with programming language on a desk



Have you ever wondered how the games you play on your computer or the apps on your phone are created? Well, it’s all thanks to a process called coding!

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of coding: its origin, why it’s important, its uses, and how you can get started with it as a K–12 learner.

What is Coding?

Coding, also known as programming, is the process of creating instructions for computers to follow. It’s like giving commands to make the computer do what you want it to do, whether it’s playing a game, solving a problem, or creating an app.

Photo by Christina Morillo

Origin of Coding

Coding has been around for a long time, with its roots dating back to the mid-20th century. Early computer scientists developed coding languages as a means to communicate with computers, leading to the creation of programming languages like FORTRAN and COBOL.

Importance of Coding

Programming offers a list of benefits when you practice it. Below are some of those benefits.

1. Problem-solving skills: Programming helps you break down big problems into smaller parts, teaching you how to find solutions step by step.

2. Maths skills: Coding involves maths concepts like algorithms, variables, and equations, improving your maths abilities.

Photo by Katerina Holmes

3. Logical thinking: Coding teaches you to think logically, following sequences to achieve results. This skill helps you make informed decisions in your everyday life.

4. Creativity: While programming follows rules, there’s room for creativity in solving problems and designing. This creative aspect fosters innovation and allows you to explore new possibilities.

5. Bringing ideas to life: One of the most empowering aspects of programming is its ability to bring your ideas to life. It lets you turn your thoughts into functional, tangible products, like apps or websites.

6. Future careers: Learning to code prepares you for jobs in technology, where skills are in high demand. The demand for skilled coders is expected to grow as technology continues to advance, making coding an excellent investment in your future career prospects.

Uses of Coding

Coding is used in many industries, including software development, gaming, robotics, and artificial intelligence. From building websites to designing mobile apps like the uLesson app, programming is behind almost everything we interact with in the digital age.

Photo by Ready Made

How to Get Started

Getting started with this skill is easier than you think! There are plenty of resources available for K–12 learners to begin their programming journey. Take a look at a few tips to help you get started.

Start with Scratch or CodeMonkey

Scratch is a beginner-friendly coding platform where you can create animations, games, and stories using visual blocks. CodeMonkey is also a platform designed to teach children programming skills through interactive and engaging games. It’s aimed primarily at primary and secondary school students.

These platforms are great ways to learn the basics of programming in a fun and interactive way.

Explore Online Courses

Many websites offer free coding courses specifically designed for kids and teenagers. Websites like, Khan Academy, and ScratchEd provide step-by-step tutorials and interactive lessons to help you learn programming at your own pace.

Join a Coding Club

If your school or community offers coding clubs or workshops, consider joining them. It’s a great way to meet other aspiring coders, collaborate on projects, and learn from each other’s experiences.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, programming requires practice. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make mistakes; that’s how you learn and improve!

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

In conclusion, coding is an exciting skill to learn that opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you’re interested in creating games, solving problems, or building websites, programming can help you turn your ideas into reality. So, roll up your sleeves, dive in, and start coding today!

As you code, also remember to prepare ahead of next term with unlimited video lessons on the uLesson app. You can get unlimited access to videos for just N12,000 for three whole months! Don’t sleep on it. Subscribe now!

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