6 Students’ Study Tips for Better Grades at School

6 Students’ Study Tips for Better Grades at School

6 Students’ Study Tips for Better Grades at School

6 Students’ Study Tips for Better Grades at School



Study Tips for Better School Grades

Yes to better grades and the strategy to get them. However, I believe the first step to achieving better grades isn’t flipping open a textbook or diving into study tips, it is understanding their importance. 

Before I get into the importance of good and better grades, I’ll like to point out that your grades do not define your intelligence, brilliance, or self-esteem. You can live a successful life with or without being a straight-A student. 

So, why should you be bothered about getting them? Here’s why. 

  • A great academic record opens you up for scholarship opportunities.
  • It increases your chance of getting into a good university of your choice.
  • There’s a higher chance of a good employment placement.
  • You develop life skills such as determination, focus, discipline, good self-esteem, etc.

Now that we’ve established why better grades matter, here are 6 study tips for better grades


Getting better grades is a deliberate process. You need to look within and decide if and why you want it so bad. This would help set everything else in motion. Without determination, when things get rocky, it’s easy to drop out of the race and give up. But we’re not quitters are we? No.

Give your 100% in class

Not to sound like a broken record as I’m sure you’ve heard this so many times, but you should give your all in class. Participate in activities, get involved, listen attentively, and be present.

Understand your learning style

This is very important and cannot be overemphasized. Learning styles are linked to your interest and attention span. How fast and how best you learn is linked to how you prefer to receive information.  Below are different learning styles and how to spot them. 

  • Visual Learners: These types of learners learn best when information is presented to them in a graphic way, such as arrows, charts, diagrams, symbols, and more. 
  • Auditory Learners: These learners are sometimes referred to as “aural” learners meaning that their learning is attached to what they hear. 
  • Reading and Writing Learners: These types of learners prefer written words, and are drawn to textbooks, novels, articles, journals, magazines, e-books and anything that is text-heavy. 
  • Kinesthetic Learners: This set of learners prefer to physically act out events or use all of their senses while learning.

Ask for Help

Your teachers, parents, and classmates are all available for your success. Do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. If a concept is proving difficult to understand, ask questions in class, ask classmates who understand it better than you, or simply ask our expert teachers and be sure to get instant help. 

Create a study schedule

With extracurricular activities, your responsibilities as a child, keeping up with friends, and social life, it isn’t always easy to stay on top of schoolwork. This is why it is important to create a consistent study schedule. When you manage your time well, you don’t rush when studying and it helps to avoid cramming.

Have a study playlist

Soothing and relaxing music can help you beat stress while studying. It also helps with focus as it transports you out of your immediate environment, removes distractions, and can also help with memorization. 

There you have it – the 6 study tips for better grades. Remember, your journey to better grades starts within. To help you prepare, even better, download our Study Guide.

Now, go get better grades!


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