7 Reasons why your child should learn how to code

7 Reasons why your child should learn how to code



Reasons why your child should learn how to code 

You’re here because you care about your child and are deliberating on how to properly set them up for the future. In a world where there are diverse skills, it definitely can get a bit confusing on which to equip them with. Before we get into reasons why your child should learn how to code, let’s explore what coding is.

What is coding?

Coding, to put it simply, is telling a computer what you want it to do, by typing in step-by-step commands for the computer to obey and follow. These sets of instructions, also called algorithms, are communicated to the computer through different languages such as Javascript which is designed specifically to build web content, Scratch, designed for building interactive games and animations.

So, why coding? 

Here are 7 reasons why your child should learn how to code.

  • Coding develops your child’s problem solving skills
  • It boosts your child’s academic performance
  • Coding helps your child become resilient
  • Coding enhances analytical reasoning
  • A career in coding has great earning potential
  • Coding nurtures creativity
  • It promotes learning by doing

Coding develops your child’s problem solving skills

Be it for a beginner or a seasoned professional, coding can get challenging. With coding, children get to sit with a problem and figure out different ways to get it solved. In doing this, they become better problem solvers at coding and other fields. 

Reasons why your child should learn how to code

Chalk drawing of bar graph, and data statics on blackboard. It shows profits, gains, and growth with increasing data.

It boosts your child’s academic performance

Coding is highly beneficial to students who are trying to develop their writing and math skills. Writing code involves using concise instructions which can help a student write in a clear and readable manner. Learning to code also requires students to apply math in their daily activities, naturally enhancing their math skills. 

Coding helps your child become resilient

One needs a good dose of resilience and perseverance to finish a task. Therefore, dealing with the setbacks of buggy codes is a way to develop a thick skin and build resilience which is a life skill.

Coding enhances analytical reasoning

For your child to code effectively, they need to reason logically. As a result, coding teaches them to break down complex concepts into smaller bits in order to arrive at a solution.

Earning potential

A career in coding has great earning potential

One of the strongest attractions of learning coding is its great earning potential. Code powers our digital world and as a result, coders are in high demand which drives up the earnings of a professional in that field. 

Coding nurtures creativity

In the world of coding where coders start from nothing to build something, the only restriction is the child’s imagination. when your child learns to code, it lays the foundation for innovative thinking, creativity and ingenuity. 

It promotes learning by doing

Children learn best through hands-on activities which involves them doing, exploring and experimenting. Coding is a full on hands-on activity which involves making mistakes, spotting those mistakes and coming up with solutions. 

These benefits and more come in handy in other aspects of life. Why don’t you get them started with uLesson Coding School, a live tutoring service which offers one-on-one coding lessons to kids aged 4-18 years.

Enroll on code.ulesson.com and reap the benefits of your child learning how to code.


    • Hello Elizabeth,

      We’re glad to learn of this! Please call our Counsellors on +2347000 222 333 for help on how to get started.

      Looking forward to having you!

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