Strategies for Overcoming Exam Anxiety

A worried teenage girl in front of a mirror

Strategies for Overcoming Exam Anxiety

A worried teenage girl in front of a mirror



Exams are in the air, and they can be a little intimidating. But guess what? There are some techniques that can help you overcome exam anxiety and feel more confident about taking your exams. Let us take a look at these strategies:

6 Strategies to Overcome Exam Anxiety

Break Down Your Study Time

Picture your study time as a big puzzle. Break it into small, easy-to-handle pieces, and plan when to study each piece. This way, you won’t feel overwhelmed, and you’ll finish the puzzle (your study) in no time!

For example, pick maths and draw a timetable to study each topic one after the other, like what Kamji did to pass his WAEC and JAMB with distinction. You can go further by breaking down a topic into smaller sections so that you can easily digest it.

Photo by Shendart

Thankfully, uLesson can help you with this by providing bite-sized video lessons that you can watch at your own convenience. It is like taking small bites out of a gigantic cake until everything is gone😋!

Mindful Breathing

When exam anxiety strikes, take a moment to practise mindfulness. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Inhale courage, hold it for a moment, and exhale any worries. This simple technique can help calm your nerves and improve your concentration.

Healthy Snacking

Just as your body requires fuel for physical activities, your brain also requires energy from healthy snacks. Go for fruits or local favourites like roasted plantains, watermelon, carrots, or groundnuts. These snacks prepare your brain to function at its best during exams.

Study Time with Friends

Studying with friends and teaching others helps you understand better and feel less stressed about exams. When you explain things to others, you gain a deeper understanding and get helpful feedback from friends. This teamwork also makes studying more fun and keeps you motivated to keep going.

Two girls studying outside
Photo by Mary Taylor

Good Sleep

Make sure to get plenty of rest, especially during exam season. Since sleep is essential for helping your brain remember things and work well, try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

You may be wondering: Am I not supposed to study more during this time? Not really. You’re only supposed to review what you’ve already learned, not cram or start learning entirely new topics. Remember, a healthy lifestyle positively affects your brain and, ultimately, your performance.

Picture Success in Your Mind

This is probably one of the best pieces of advice. Imagine yourself passing the exam. Imagine you’re the hero of your story, acing your papers and winning the prize. This positive thinking is your secret weapon against fear. Replace “I can’t do this” with “I can do this!”

A young boy in a tuxedo laughing
Photo by Collis

To sum up, taking exams can feel like a big task, but armed with these strategies, you’re ready to get through them successfully. Lastly, view exams as checkpoints on your journey of learning rather than obstacles.

Download the uLesson app or use the web version to get those bite-sized study lessons we talked about earlier. Cheers to boosted grades, geniuses!


  1. Please want to write GCE I need ulesson to help me . I need teacher for BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSIC, MATHEMATICS, & ENGLISH

  2. The my own words the tips that works for me is when I have read very well, this makes me to have confidence in me because I know what to write in the examination hall.
    You should try it once or twice,it works.

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